At Lighthouse School, we accept a family.

We are happy and proud to be a family-oriented organization. This means that we not only value the role that the family plays in a student’s life, but we actively involve the family in decisions made regarding their child’s treatment and education. No one knows their child better than the family, so we make sure to include their experience, concerns, hopes and wishes into our work. We appreciate that we are working to enhance the students’ functioning not just in school, but just as importantly in the home and community as well.

At Lighthouse we accept families, not just students. As part of that commitment, every family has assigned to them a Family Therapist. This person is the primary communication bridge or liaison between your family and the Team at Lighthouse School. This does not mean that you cannot speak with other members of the Team, it simply means that it has been our experience that given the needs of the students, the most effective and efficient person to maintain communication is your family therapist.

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